
The Looters by John Henry Reese
The Looters by John Henry Reese

The Looters by John Henry Reese

He had his moccasins broke in, and his long hair bunched up and tied with a string under the cowhide cap, and a good two-edged throwing and hunting knife tucked up against his bosom under his shirt. on a string when he left the place, because any mountain man that goes through a town with a wolf dog along, he better be leading him on a string or they both stand a chance of getting shot. This was what Ownie Cope deliberately set out to be, one of them misfit mountain men with his hand against the civilized world.

The Looters by John Henry Reese

It is the heartwarming story of courage and challenge in an untamed land. This is the story of how Ownie tracked down the killers and revenged the lives of people he had scarcely seen. They would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for Ownie Cope. The blowholers weren't really a gang, but a group of this vicious riffraff banded together just for the fun of it and killed a settler and savagely raped his daughter. Please copy, fill out the form below, and email it to to suggest a change.The blowhole was a patch of desert that attracted every scummy crook in the west. Web rot, in which actual materials remain online but undergo changes in their URLs, is too demanding in terms of staff time for us to hope to keep external links current. We will instead record the presence of specific external materials in language that we hope will help intelligent users find it themselves.

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    The Looters by John Henry Reese

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    The Looters by John Henry Reese