From his books two full-length documentary films have been produced: Chariots of the Gods and Messages of the Gods. Von Däniken's books have been translated into 28 languages, and have sold 60 million copies worldwide. While managing director of a Swiss hotel, he wrote his first book, Chariots of the Gods, which was an immediate bestseller in the United States, Germany, and later in 38 other countries. Of the more than 3,000 lectures which Erich von Däniken has given in 25 countries, over 500 were presente Greek: Έριχ φον Νταίνικενīorn on April 14th, 1935, in Zofingen, Switzerland, Erich von Däniken was educated at the College St-Michel in Fribourg, where already as a student he occupied his time with the study of the ancient holy writings. Greek: Έριχ φον Νταίνικεν Born on April 14th, 1935, in Zofingen, Switzerland, Erich von Däniken was educated at the College St-Michel in Fribourg, where already as a student he occupied his time with the study of the ancient holy writings.